Erratum to "Nurse-led immunotreatment DEcision Coaching In people with Multiple Sclerosis (DECIMS) - A cluster-randomised controlled trial and mixed methods process evaluation" [Patient Educ Couns 125 (2024) 108293]

Rahn AC, Peper J, Köpke S, Antony G, Liethmann K, Vettorazzi E, Heesen C; DECIMS study group.

Patient Educ Couns. 2025 Jan;130:108363. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2024.108363. Epub 2024 Nov 13. PMID: 39536521

Therapeutic drug monitoring in children and adolescents with schizophrenia-spectrum, affective, behavioural, tic and other psychiatric disorders treated with aripiprazole: results of the TDM-VIGIL pharmacovigilance study

Riegger J, Egberts KM, Clement HW, Schneider-Momm K, Taurines R, Fekete S, Wewetzer C, Karwautz A, Correll CU, Plener PL, Malzahn U, Heuschmann P, Unterecker S, Scherf-Clavel M, Rock H, Antony G, Briegel W, Banaschewski T, Hellenschmidt T, Kaess M, Kölch M, Renner T, Rexroth C, Schulte-Körne G, Walitza S, Gerlach M, Romanos M, Fleischhaker C.

J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2024 Nov 2. doi: 10.1007/s00702-024-02819-6. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39487894

Nurse-led immunotreatment DEcision Coaching In people with Multiple Sclerosis (DECIMS) - A cluster- randomised controlled trial and mixed methods process evaluation

Rahn AC, Peper J, Köpke S, Antony G, Liethmann K, Vettorazzi E, Heesen C; DECIMS study group.

Patient Educ Couns. 2024 Aug;125:108293. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2024.108293. Epub 2024 May 3. PMID: 38728999

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on administrative eating disorder prevalence in the outpatient sector and on severity of anorexia nervosa

Tam FI, Ochmann R, Marschall J, Leschzinski H, Seidel M, Klink L, Föcker M, Bühren K, Dahmen B, Jaite C, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Seitz J, Gilsbach S, Correll CU, Müller AE, Hebebrand J, Bell R, Legenbauer T, Holtmann M, Becker K, Weber L, Romanos M, Egberts K, Kaess M, Fleischhaker C, Möhler E, Wessing I, Hagmann D, Hahn F, Thiemann U, Antony G, Gramatke K, Roessner V, Ehrlich S.

Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024 Jul 20. doi: 10.1007/s00787-024-02527-2. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39033259

Premorbid body weight predicts weight loss in both anorexia nervosa and atypical anorexia nervosa: Further support for a single underlying disorder

Hebebrand J, Seitz J, Föcker M, Viersen HP, Huss M, Bühren K, Dahmen B, Becker K, Weber L, Correll CU, Jaite C, Egberts K, Romanos M, Ehrlich S, Seidel M, Roessner V, Fleischhaker C, Möhler E, Hahn F, Kaess M, Legenbauer T, Hagmann D, Renner TJ, Schulze UME, Thiemann U, Wessing I, Antony G, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Matthews A, Peters T.

Int J Eat Disord. 2024 Apr;57(4):967-982. doi: 10.1002/eat.24189. Epub 2024 Mar 25. PMID: 38528714

Kids Lung Registry and Child-EU Project - Progress in Rare and Interstitial Lung Diseases in Childhood Through Collaboration

Griese M, Gold A, Gothe F, Kaiser H, Kammer B, Kappler M, Krueger-Stollfuss I, Ley-Zaporozhan J, Michel K, Rapp CK, Reu-Hofer S, Rock H, Schams A, Tran NB, Schwerk N. Klin Padiatr. 2024 Feb;236(2):80-96. doi: 10.1055/a-2214-7090.

Epub 2023 Dec 18.
PMID: 38109904

Factors associated with depressive mood at the onset of multiple sclerosis - an analysis of 781 patients of the German NationMS cohort

Salmen A, Hoepner R, Fleischer V, Heldt M, Gisevius B, Motte J, Ruprecht K, Schneider R, Fisse AL, Grüter T, Lukas C, Berthele A, Giglhuber K, Flaskamp M, Mühlau M, Kirschke J, Bittner S, Groppa S, Lüssi F, Bayas A, Meuth S, Heesen C, Trebst C, Wildemann B, Then Bergh F, Antony G, Kümpfel T, Paul F, Nischwitz S, Tumani H, Zettl U, Hemmer B, Wiendl H, Zipp F, Gold R.

Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2023 Sep 8;16:17562864231197309. doi: 10.1177/17562864231197309.
eCollection 2023. PMID: 37692259

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Children and Adolescents: Findings on Fluoxetine from the TDM-VIGIL Trial

Frey M, Smigielski L, Tini E, Fekete S, Fleischhaker C, Wewetzer C, Karwautz A, Correll CU, Gerlach M, Taurines R, Plener PL, Malzahn U, Kornbichler S, Weninger L, Brockhaus M, Reuter-Dang SY, Reitzle K, Rock H, Imgart H, Heuschmann P, Unterecker S, Briegel W, Banaschewski T, Fegert JM, Hellenschmidt T, Kaess M, Kölch M, Renner T, Rexroth C, Walitza S, Schulte-Körne G, Romanos M, Egberts KM.

Pharmaceutics. 2023 Aug 25;15(9):2202. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15092202.
PMID: 37765171

Association of obesity with disease outcome in multiple sclerosis

Lutfullin I, Eveslage M, Bittner S, Antony G, Flaskamp M, Luessi F, Salmen A, Gisevius B, Klotz L, Korsukewitz C, Berthele A, Groppa S, Then Bergh F, Wildemann B, Bayas A, Tumani H, Meuth SG, Trebst C, Zettl UK, Paul F, Heesen C, Kuempfel T, Gold R, Hemmer B, Zipp F, Wiendl H, Lünemann JD; German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS).

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2023 Jan;94(1):57-61. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2022-329685. Epub 2022 Nov 1. PMID: 36319190

Serious Adverse Drug Reactions in Children and Adolescents Treated On- and Off-Label with Antidepressants and Antipsychotics in Clinical Practice

Egberts KM, Gerlach M, Correll CU, Plener PL, Malzahn U, Heuschmann P, Unterecker S, Scherf-Clavel M, Rock H, Antony G, Briegel W, Fleischhaker C, Häge A, Hellenschmidt T, Imgart H, Kaess M, Karwautz A, Kölch M, Reitzle K, Renner T, Reuter-Dang SY, Rexroth C, Schulte-Körne G, Theisen FM, Walitza S, Wewetzer C, Fekete S, Taurines R, Romanos M.

Pharmacopsychiatry. 2022 Sep;55(5):255-265. doi: 10.1055/a-1716-1856. Epub 2022 Feb 7.
PMID: 35130562

Randomized controlled phase 2 trial of hydroxychloroquine in childhood interstitial lung disease

Griese M, Kappler M, Stehling F, Schulze J, Baden W, Koerner-Rettberg C, Carlens J, Prenzel F, Nährlich L, Thalmeier A, Sebah D, Kronfeld K, Rock H, Ruckes C; HCQ-study group; Wetzke M, Seidl E, Schwerk N.

Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2022 Jul 23;17(1):289. doi: 10.1186/s13023-022-02399-2.
PMID: 35871071

Therapeutic drug monitoring of sertraline in children and adolescents: A naturalistic study with insights into the clinical response and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Tini E, Smigielski L, Romanos M, Wewetzer C, Karwautz A, Reitzle K, Correll CU, Plener PL, Malzahn U, Heuschmann P, Unterecker S, Scherf-Clavel M, Rock H, Antony G, Briegel W, Fleischhaker C, Banaschewski T, Hellenschmidt T, Imgart H, Kaess M, Kölch M, Renner T, Reuter-Dang SY, Rexroth C, Schulte-Körne G, Theisen F, Fekete S, Taurines R, Gerlach M, Egberts KM, Walitza S.

Compr Psychiatry. 2022 May;115:152301. doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152301. Epub 2022 Feb 26.
PMID: 35248877

Reasons for admission and variance of body weight at referral in female inpatients with anorexia nervosa in Germany

Peters T, Kolar D, Föcker M, Bühren K, Dahmen B, Becker K, Weber L, Correll CU, Jaite C, Egberts KM, Romanos M, Ehrlich S, Seidel M, Roessner V, Fleischhaker C, von Gontard A, Hahn F, Huss M, Kaess M, Legenbauer T, Renner TJ, Schulze UME, Sinzig J, Wessing I, Antony G, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Gradl-Dietsch G, Hebebrand J.

Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health. 2021 Dec 22;15(1):78. doi: 10.1186/s13034-021-00427-w.
PMID: 34937571

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: Lessons from a randomized controlled trial in children

Griese M, Stehling F, Schwerk N, Rosewich M, Jerkic PS, Rock H, Ruckes C, Kronfeld K, Sebah D, Wetzke M, Seidl E.

Pediatr Pulmonol. 2021 Aug;56(8):2627-2633. doi: 10.1002/ppul.25513. Epub 2021 May 28.
PMID: 34048641

Age dependency of body mass index distribution in childhood and adolescent inpatients with anorexia nervosa with a focus on DSM-5 and ICD-11 weight criteria and severity specifiers

Engelhardt C, Föcker M, Bühren K, Dahmen B, Becker K, Weber L, Correll CU, Egberts KM, Ehrlich S, Roessner V, Fleischhaker C, von Gontard A, Hahn F, Jenetzky E, Kaess M, Legenbauer T, Renner TJ, Schulze UME, Sinzig J, Wessing I, Antony G, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Peters T, Hebebrand J.

Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2021 Jul;30(7):1081-1094. doi: 10.1007/s00787-020-01595-4. Epub 2020 Jul 14.
PMID: 32666204

Sunlight exposure exerts immunomodulatory effects to reduce multiple sclerosis severity

Ostkamp P, Salmen A, Pignolet B, Görlich D, Andlauer TFM, Schulte-Mecklenbeck A, Gonzalez-Escamilla G, Bucciarelli F, Gennero I, Breuer J, Antony G, Schneider-Hohendorf T, Mykicki N, Bayas A, Then Bergh F, Bittner S, Hartung HP, Friese MA, Linker RA, Luessi F, Lehmann-Horn K, Mühlau M, Paul F, Stangel M, Tackenberg B, Tumani H, Warnke C, Weber F, Wildemann B, Zettl UK, Ziemann U, Müller-Myhsok B, Kümpfel T, Klotz L, Meuth SG, Zipp F, Hemmer B, Hohlfeld R, Brassat D, Gold R, Gross CC, Lukas C, Groppa S, Loser K, Wiendl H, Schwab N; German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS) and the BIONAT Network.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Jan 5;118(1):e2018457118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2018457118. PMID: 33376202

Complete Epstein-Barr virus seropositivity in a large cohort of patients with early multiple sclerosis

Abrahamyan S, Eberspächer B, Hoshi MM, Aly L, Luessi F, Groppa S, Klotz L, Meuth SG, Schroeder C, Grüter T, Tackenberg B, Paul F, Then-Bergh F, Kümpfel T, Weber F, Stangel M, Bayas A, Wildemann B, Heesen C, Zettl U, Warnke C, Antony G, Hessler N, Wiendl H, Bittner S, Hemmer B, Gold R, Salmen A, Ruprecht K; German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS); Other members of the KKNMS that acted as collaborators in this study.

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020 Jul;91(7):681-686. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2020-322941. Epub 2020 May 5.
PMID: 32371533

Is APOE ε4 associated with cognitive performance in early MS?

Engel S, Graetz C, Salmen A, Muthuraman M, Toenges G, Ambrosius B, Bayas A, Berthele A, Heesen C, Klotz L, Kümpfel T, Linker RA, Meuth SG, Paul F, Stangel M, Tackenberg B, Then Bergh F, Tumani H, Weber F, Wildemann B, Zettl UK, Antony G, Bittner S, Groppa S, Hemmer B, Wiendl H, Gold R, Zipp F, Lill CM, Luessi F; German Competence Network of Multiple Sclerosis.

Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020 May 1;7(4):e728. doi: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000000728. Print 2020 Jul.
PMID: 32358224

Prospective evaluation of hydroxychloroquine in pediatric interstitial lung diseases: Study protocol for an investigator-initiated, randomized controlled, parallel-group clinical trial

Griese M, Köhler M, Witt S, Sebah D, Kappler M, Wetzke M, Schwerk N, Emiralioglu N, Kiper N, Kronfeld K, Ruckes C, Rock H, Anthony G, Seidl E.

Trials. 2020 Apr 3;21(1):307. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-4188-4.
PMID: 32245508